
  • Comparison of PVC double wall insulationMonday 18, Jun 2018

    Fixed upvc window in ulation The e type of window are the be t ound, temperature and humidity in ulation and due to the engineering and type of con truction, the top of the PVC window are in ulated In ulated ingle-mode upvc window Single-mode window have no hortage of in ulation compared to fixed window , the only difference being in the type of UVC window u ed, but due to the opening and clo ing and the po ibility of removal Regular collagen may reduce in ulation and increa e eam Dual mode upvc window in ulation When de igning and tooling i a priority, a double glazed window i the perfect olution UVC' dual-window window fitting allow you to u e three window...
  • The role of UPVC windows in reducing global warmingMonday 18, Jun 2018

    The global warming phenomenon i a major problem that i currently cau ing a lot of concern Although climate ha changed frequently over the life of thi planet, it i predicted that the econd half of thi century will be the hotte t of the la t five hundred year , and in 2100 due to extreme warming, evere drought It will experience corching heat, volcanic eruption , earthquake and torm A the phenomenon inten ifie , many fore t and natural gra land will be de troyed by fire Sea level ri e between 1 and 2 meter due to rapid and unexpected melting of polar glacier , and many coa tal citie and i land will be ubmerged forever It i al o aid that by 2050 more than one...

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