
  • Installation training for UPVC windowsMonday 18, Jun 2018

    In tallation training for UPVC window Con idering the development of UPS window in the country a well a the number of manufacturer and the pre ence of que tion and uncertaintie in the field of profile production, window in tallation, window in tallation a well a technician and worker in manufacturing and in tallation ector De igned olely to improve the quality of their workman hip and promote it, a well a the ati faction of the people and the Lord, Dati Commerce Indu trial Group i committed to leveraging what it ha experienced and to deliver to other But al o to improve the quality of the window in the con truction and in tallation to the benefit of compatriot and...
  • How to keep UPVC windows and doorsMonday 18, Jun 2018

    How to keep UPVC window and door • Lubricate all moving and mechanical part of the window at pecified interval Of cour e, lubrication hould be done by diluting exi ting oil • For the durability of window ealant tire , clean them with a liquid oap cloth at lea t once every three month Becau e it bring the oftne , flexibility and cleanline of the tire • To clean the window , you can u e a mixture of oap and water to make the window hine without leaving the du ty effect • The fabric you choo e to clean the window hould be lint-free o that the urface of the window can be ea ily cleaned • If there i till ome building activity left after the window...

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